Brazillian uniforms WW2
Brazillian uniforms WW2
Hello ,does anyone know of any websites that show Brazillian soldiers WW2 in the olive green uniform and Adrian helmet, (colour images)? thanks John.
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- Mensagens: 2515
- Registrado em: 21 Dez 2006, 11:09
- Localização: Niterói
Re: Brazillian uniforms WW2
Hi John! thanks for join us!
Actually, brazilians uniforms are the same as USA uniforms.
Take a look here: then look for "FEB" at youtube and google (FEB = Brazilian Expeditionary Force)
Here a veteran website:
Actually, brazilians uniforms are the same as USA uniforms.
Take a look here: then look for "FEB" at youtube and google (FEB = Brazilian Expeditionary Force)
Here a veteran website:
Vade retro goiabão!
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