Cores Inglesas blindados WWII

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Cores Inglesas blindados WWII

Mensagempor Augusto » 17 Ago 2009, 23:05

Recebi do amigo Fabrício Menardi

Desert Pink

This proved difficult but this mix will do the job for you. The actual colour is provisional anyway and since it was locally manufactured then there must be some variations of shade. The colour was specified for general use as a basic colour in the October 1942 orders just prior to the Alamein battles but there is documentary evidence of it's use by LRDG as early as May 1942 perhaps as practical field trials. Phased out of use after the end of the North African campaign in May 1943 and replaced by Light Mud as the new M.E. basic colour.
Mix: 5pts XF2 + 5pts XF15 + 12 prt XF52. Be careful with XF52 as too much will turn your resulting colour too mauve. Desert Pink needs of a definite pale pink appearance. The mix may benefit from a touch more white.

SCC 2 brown and SCC1A dark brown

These colours were the basic and disruptive colours respectively used from 1941 in UK and on vehicles in Tunisia, Sicily and Italy till end of the war in many cases. SCC1A was also used over SCC 15 in 1944-45.
SCC 2 brown: 3pts 871 + 2pts 873 basic olour.
SCC1A; 5pts 822 + 1pt 871. Disruptive colour, later not entirely replaced by SCC14 black.

SCC No,7 green

A bit obscure this colour but I found it during trials. Produced solely as a bituminious emulsion for use on canvas tilts and tentage which at thetime were natural canvas colour or dyed Khaki Green. The colour first appears in August 1941 for use as the basic colour on vehicle canvases because the enamel paints rotted the fabic. The order specifies SCC.1A as the disrupter. Bodywork remained Khaki Green 3 and Dark Green 4 in the striped patterning. Four coloured camo on softskins? Yes. In addition this could also be used on the fabic penthouses attached to the sides on command vehicles and tents where their colour was green, i.e. NWE.
Mix: 1pt XF62 + 1pt XF67 + 1pt XF3. A tweak more XF3 is not bad.

Nobels Khaki Green No.3/ G3 & Dark Green

Just what the new Bronco kit owners need. Khaki Green 3 was the new basic colour from mid-1939 till phased out in 1941. But also may be used as an alternative colour in lieu of Slate 34 in the Caunter scheme.
Mix: - 3 pts XF62 + 2 pts XF59.
The resulting colour is slightly less rich than a sample matched to an original motorcycle part and slightly less brown than on a steel helmet in original colour, so a good average.

Dark Green G4: - mix 3 x XF61 + 2 pts XF58. No original colour found; yet.
This was the colour specified in MTP 20 for use in scheme 1 for 'average European conditions'. This colour is matched to the colour that I use over Khaki Green 3 and which is based on the use of complimenary hues and low contrast values seen on numerous contemporary photographs and what few colour photographs exist for 1940 period vehicles.

O Caunter scheme, o esquema de cores visto nos tanques e outros veículos britânico no deserto ocidental em 1940/1941: ... isz_1.html

Esse esquema emprega as seguintes cores

BS. 64 Portland Stone

BS 64 Portland Stone Tamiya mix:
6 pts XF2 + 1 pt XF3 + 1 pt XF57. It could stand a fraction more XF2 and perhaps a fraction less XF57 but if I tweaked it then the proportions of the other colours would be realy silly.

BS. 28 Silver Grey
There is going to be at least one happy bunny out there now. This is the official colour used as one of the disrupters with Slate in the 'Caunter' scheme. In use on all types of AFVs and other vehicles in Egypt from mid to late 1940 till cancelled in December 1941.
Mix: 7pts XF21 + 1pt XF19 +1pt XF4. Be careful with XF4 as even a little too much will throw this colour far too green. Err on the light side. I got this yesterday and ran a couple of test shots today.

BS.34 Slate
At last the final colour for Caunter. After a lot of failed attempts it has turned out to be an easy mix. This colour was specified as the darkest colour to be used on vehicles painted with the Caunter scheme. Came into use in 1940 and apparently retained as one of the alternative colours to be used with the 1942 patterns.
Mix: 1prt XF24 + 1 prt XF4. This is a fraction dark compared to the standard but a touch of white or light grey will tone it down.



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Registrado em: 22 Dez 2006, 08:52

Re: Cores Inglesas blindados WWII

Mensagempor edklingon » 19 Ago 2009, 00:55

Augusto, transforma isso em artigo pra por no site!

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Registrado em: 21 Mar 2008, 03:10

Re: Cores Inglesas blindados WWII

Mensagempor Pelliccione » 20 Ago 2009, 02:38

E outra coisa que tem um pouco a ver com esse tópico: divulgue o link da loja em que você comprou aquele set de cores para os veículos italianos... Eles têm um set para veículos britânicos, se me lembro bem.

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