Colorado Miniatures promoção de encerramento de atividade.

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Colorado Miniatures promoção de encerramento de atividade.

Mensagempor Augusto » 16 Mar 2015, 13:21

Colorado Miniatures is going out of business.

I'm selling off remaining inventory. I've gone ahead and deleted both of the "newsletter" and "promotions" mailing lists from my database, so this will be the final mailing sent to the e-mail addresses on those lists.

1) To help clear out remaining inventory, I've added a temporary promo code that will discount prices an additional 12.5% during checkout. Coupled with the "20% off" discount currently reflected in the prices shown on the website, this promo code yields an effective discount of "30% off" of everything remaining in stock. This promo code will expire on April 1st. I'll wait a few days before announcing this discount code on any websites, so that Colorado Miniatures mailing list members will have first crack at the products. First come, first served.

Enter the following code in the appropriate spot during checkout to receive the additional 12.5% discount: MA15PR

2) The Euro and British Pound are very weak against the US Dollar right now, which means that product lines that I used to get from Europe are really good bargains (for the time being). Although I ceased buying new inventory when I made the decision to close down, I can still get lines like Andrea, Pegaso, Romeo, Scale75, etc. from Historex Agents.

If any customers would like to take advantage of the strong dollar and place a large order for kits that are not part of my inventory clearance (i.e., $300-$400 and above), contact me by e-mail in the next week or so for details. I'm willing to reduce my margins on any items ordered from Historex Agents to make the prices even more attractive, but I need to reach a certain minimum amount before the end of March for this to be worthwhile to me, so time is of the essence.

Gray Creager
Colorado Miniatures

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