M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

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M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor edklingon » 30 Out 2008, 16:14

Terminei essa semana para o GB 17 da Webkits:









Ainda falta o escudo de proteção do artilheiro, mas isso vai ficar para depois.

Me diverti muito montando esse kits, e me diverti muito pesquisando sobre ele. O kit tem umas pegadinhas (ou minha inabilidade me atrapalhou) mas o detalhamento dele é muito bom. Ainda tenho muito que aprender no wheatering, mas um dia chego lá.

E recomendo à todos que quiserem uma peça diferente em sua coleção.

E esses tripulantes de guntrucks ganharam o meu respeito! Para finalizar, e prestar uma homenagem à eles, abaixo vai um trechinho do diário do 8th Transportation Group:

"Nancy was no lady. With Yellow snarling teeth and a heart of armourplat, she can make life hell for men who 'court' her every week in Ambush Alley.

Nancy is a truck - a standart deuce-and-a-half, but with some extra 'options' you cant't get in a showroom. Like five machine-guns, armour plating, M-79 grenade launchers and radios.

Nancy and another truck like her, both mounted quad-.50 caliber machine gun turrets. These turrets mount four M2 .50 caliber machine guns under control of a single gunner.They are insurances policies for the trucks of the 8th Transportation Group,insurance against the kind of hijackers that would send any teamster running for cover fast, but wich are SPO for 8th Group truckers who run the daily convoys from Vietnam's central coast northward or into up the Central Highlands.

Recently, a forty truck convoy has headed for Pleiku, making the long run up Route 19, "Ambush Alley", with a load of high explosive artillery rounds.

Nancy was last in line, with her fire teams of gun jeeps and a armored light weapons truck. Unexpectedly, the mortars hit - first they bracketed the road, then scored a direct hit on the tractor-trailer just ahead, blowing all eight rear tires, but the load was untouched and the GI piloting the rig kept going on the rims.

That was Nancy's cue.

SGT Jimmy Wood, the team lider, ordered Nancy's driver, SP5 Dennis Morningstar, to pull around the convoy and head for the kill zone to cover the trucks.

SP4 Rudy Salinas, in the quad-.50 turret, opened fire, while SP4 Jerry Swick, dancing in the open fed her ammunition. It was tight, they could see the blasts of smoke from the North Vietnamese gun muzzles, not twenty-five away in the grass. Salina's answering blast of fire was a stunning roar of sound. But then two of his guns jammed.

Wood opened up with his cab mounted M-60machine gun, trying to stem the tide of fire. But it to jammed. Just as he leaned down for his rifle, a bullet smashed through the firewall, spewing upward to clip him through both legs. He was out of action, but Nancy fired on.

The ambush was all in a day's work for the 8th Transportation Group."

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Registrado em: 24 Dez 2006, 18:50

Re: M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor Augusto » 31 Out 2008, 17:42

Gostei bastante, acho que foi o melhor trabalho seu que eu vi até agora.

Júlio Urubu
Mensagens: 2515
Registrado em: 21 Dez 2006, 11:09
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Re: M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor Júlio Urubu » 31 Out 2008, 20:02

Ed, isso aí fico muito bom!!!!

Parabéns! :ok
Vade retro goiabão! :666

Mensagens: 3943
Registrado em: 22 Dez 2006, 08:52

Re: M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor edklingon » 31 Out 2008, 22:32

Augusto escreveu:Gostei bastante, acho que foi o melhor trabalho seu que eu vi até agora.
Então é melhor eu não levar ao vivo para não desfazer esta impressão, ahahahah!!!! :yes2

Roberto Tumminelli

Re: M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor Roberto Tumminelli » 12 Nov 2008, 11:52

Bacana mesmo.

O rosto na .50 quádrupla dá um toque original.


Mensagens: 273
Registrado em: 28 Dez 2006, 21:45
Localização: Rio de Janeiro

Re: M35A1 Vietnam 'guntruck' - AFV 1/35

Mensagempor Gripen » 14 Nov 2008, 13:52

Ficou sensacional Ed !!
Parabens !!!


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